Thrift Store Stories: Found Childhood

We all have that childhood toy that just disappears as we get older. We don't even notice it until we see it in an old photo or video or it even just pops into your head one night. You can't remember getting rid of it but you know it is no longer in your possessions. Sometimes you even really really wish that you still have it, wish it would magically reappear.

This is what happened to me a few years ago when I recalled a Hiccuping Dil doll that I had just before my sister was born. I loved the rugrats, and since I'd just gotten a baby brother, I was very much favoriting Dil Pickles at the time. So the Easter Bunny brought me, my very own Dil. I guess over the years I lost interest and gave him away, I was a little heartbroken when I remember the doll because I didn't have him but then my luck changed!

During a thrift store outing, I spotted the soft body doll in the stuff animal rack! I had to jump to get him down but I couldn't believe it! I ran to my mother, and of course, I couldn't leave him behind. So Dil got to come home again!

Dil was a little dirty, his face was dusty and there are a few stains on the back of his head that I cleaned but the paint is just stained.
So as normal just cold water and dawn, I also used it to clean the cloth body then whipped it off with a dry cloth. He was clean in no time! My biggest worry was does he still work?!?

Mainly had batteries been left in him? Had they leaked or something? He is an all most 20-year-old doll. Sadly, he did have batteries and they had leaked but mommy to the rescue!
 As I cleaned him she looked up if you could clean the leak. She found that you could use room temperature water with vinegar ,you could clean it using a q-tip as well as a paper towel. Getting the battery pack working again, most of the time. In my case, it worked!

Now Dil is in full working order enjoying his forever home. I can't believe that I have this childhood toy back with me. Now I'm hoping to find a few others that slipped away from me.
